Devotions & Services in Honor of St. Charles The King and Martyr

Hymns Composed in His Honor From The 1600’s

O Holy King, Whose Severed Head 1649

O holy King, whose severed head

   The Martyr's Crown doth ray

With gems for every blood-drop shed,

   Saint Charles! for England pray.

For England's Church, for England's realm
  (Once thine in earthly sway,)
Lest storms our Ark should overwhelm,
  Saint Charles of England, pray!

Thou for thy murderers didst plead
  That January day;
O still, in this our hour of need,
  Saint Charles! for England pray.

Let us with him whose Crown is won,
  Meet adoration pay
To God the Father, God the Son,
  And Paraclete alway.

King Charles the Martyr by John Keble 1827

Praise to our Pardoning God! though silent now
The thunders of the deep prophetic sky,
Though in our sight no powers of darkness bow
Before th’ Apostles’ glorious company;

The Martyrs’ noble army is still ours,
far in the North our fallen days have seen
How in her woe the tenderest spirit, towers
For Jesus’ sake in agony serene.

Praise to our God! not cottage hearths alone,
And shades imperious to the proud world’s glare,
Such witness yield: a monarch from his throne
Springs to his Cross and finds his glory there.

Yes: wheresoe’er one trace of thee is found,
As in the sacred land, the shadows fall:
With beating hearts we roam the haunted ground,
Lone battle-field, or crumbling prison hall.

And there are aching solitary breasts,
Whose widow’d walk with thought of thee is cheer’d,
Our own, our royal Saint: thy memory rests
On many a prayer, the more for thee endear’d.

True son of our dear Mother, early taught
With her to worship and for her to die,
Nurs’d in her aisles to more than kingly thought,
Oft in her solemn hours we dream thee nigh.

For thou didst love to trace her daily lore,
And where we look for comfort or for calm,
Over the self-same lines to bend, and pour
Thy heart with hers in some victorious psalm.

And well did she thy loyal love repay:
When all foresook, her Angel still was nigh,
Chain’d and bereft, and on thy funeral way,
Straight to the Cross she turn’d thy dying eye.

And yearly now, before the Martyrs’ King,
For thee she offers her maternal tears,
Calls us, like thee, to His dear feet to cling,
And bury in His wounds our earthly fears.

And Angels hear, and there is mirth in Heaven,
Fit prelude of the joy, when spirits won
Like thee to patient Faith, shall rise forgiven,
And at thy Saviour’s knees thy bright example own.

Royal Charles, Who Chose to Die   

Royal Charles, who chose to die   Rather than the Faith deny,

Forfeiting his kingly pride

   For the sake of Jesu's Bride;

Lovingly his praise we sing,

   England's martyr, England's King.

Mirror fair of courtesy,
  Flower of wedded chastity,
Humble follower day by day,
  Of the Church's holy way;
Lovingly his praise we sing,
  England's martyr, England's King.

All the way of death he trod
  For the glory of his God,
And his dying dignity
  Made a bright Epiphany;
Lovingly his praise we sing
  England's martyr, England's King.

Bless we God the Three in One,
  For all faithful 'neath the sun,
For the faithful gone before,
  And for those our country bore,
Chiefly him whose praise we sing,
  England's martyr, England's King.

At Candlemass In White Array

At Candlemas in white arrayed

   He stood, the newly crowned,

Where music murmured, banners swayed,

   And Westminster its homage paid,

To blazoning trumpets' sound.

   To blazoning trumpets' sound.

When home they bore his coffin slow,
  The flaring torches' light
Revealed no sable pall, for lo!
  Over its gloom the loyal snow
Had cast a covering white.
  Had cast a covering white.

But whiter far than robe or pall,
  He bore to tragic goal,
Through battle, prison, judgment-hall,
  His one abiding coronal,
A white and Kingly soul.
  A white and Kingly soul.

Rex Divine, Rector Regum

Heavenly King, of Kings the Pastor,
  Giv'r of laws, of justice master,
Ruling all by Thy behest,
  Unto Thee to-day we render
Praise for him, to memory tender,
  Charles our King, of kings the best.

Traitors shedding blood like water
  Filled the land with crime and slaughter,
Law was trampled in the mud,
  Noble churches left forsaken
And the White Rose, overtaken
  By the sword, was red with blood.

Thus the bardic verse fulfilling,
  "There shall be a time of killing
When the ravens shall be fed,
  And a King without pollution
Midst a realm in revolution
  Shall be numbered with the dead."

Violent men without compassion
  Proudly spurned the ancient fashion
Of the sacred right divine;
  From his friends by madmen riven
Was our King to judgment driven
  Stained with blood his Royal line.

Faithful son of Mother holy,
  To the Church devoted solely,
He to keep her laws was fain.
  He her champion ever glorious,
Was beaten still victorious,
  Robbed of life, but conqueror slain.

"He nothing common did nor mean
  Upon that memorable scene,"
When on the block he laid his head;
  "Nor called the gods with vulgar spite
To vindicate his helpless right,"
  But went to death as to his bed.

Fair exchange King Charles was making
  When, the crown immortal taking
For the earthly crown he wore,
  By the axe he followed faster
To the realm of Christ his master,
  And the cross behind him bore.

Lo, the priest who shares his glory
  (Laud his name and laud his story),
For his fellow-martyr waits
  And the white-robed host upraising,
Heart and voice their Saviour praising,
  Greets him at the heavenly gates.

He by dying brought salvation
  To the torn and shattered nation,
Life restored and liberty;
  For the Martyr's blood was sowing
Seed from which the Church is growing,
  Seed of immortality.

Ere his death one word was spoken:
  That "Remember" was the token
Of his coming victory.
  So his blood brought life and healing,
And the Church's triumph sealing,
  Never shall forgotten be.

Lord Let The Strain Arise

Lord, let the strain arise

   For Britain's martyr blest;

He passes through the crimson tide

   To Jesus, and to rest.

Brave King, with meekness dight

   And Cross so gladly borne,

This day the shadows of the night

   Melt into golden morn.

Hard was the cruel strife,
  Long was the weary way,
And now, by death, thou findest life
  And everlasting day.
No more the rebels jeer;
  No more the tyrants chain;
Angelic welcomes, ringing clear,
  Greet thee with loud acclaim.

See how the martyr's crown
  Glitters on Charles's brow;
No rebel host can trample down
  Thy ruby diadem now.
O Charles, our Royal Saint,
  Pray for dear Britain's weal;
Our Fatherland and Church are faint;
  Lo! there is none to heal.

A century before
  Great Charles was called to die,
A sinful king laid waste the Church-
  Angered our God on high.
The fire of Heaven's wrath
  Waxed hotly more and more;
Until thy Royal blood, O Saint,
  Cancelled the sin of yore.

And now before our God,
  In joyous grief we bend,
And pray that England's Throne and Church
  He ever will defend.
Jesus, be praise to thee,
  Who reignest in the sky,
To Father and to Holy Ghost
  Be praise eternally.    Amen.

With Thankful Hearts Thy Glory

With thankful hearts thy glory,

   O King of Saints, we sing,

Shown in the saintly story

   Of Charles, the Martyr-King,

Who chose to die, obeying

   The voice of conscience clear,

Not live on earth, betraying

   All that he counted dear.

For long his foes assailed him
  Till friends were overthrown,
And this world's weapons failed him,
  And he was left alone.
No whit his foes relented,
  Successful in the strife,
But to their king presented
  The choice of death or life.

Shall, then, his memory perish?
  His name we venerate,
The Faith he loved we cherish,
  His spirit emulate,
That so by Christ-like living
  With charity resigned,
Each other's faults forgiving,
  We may enrich mankind.

For all lives lived sincerely
  In Christ may God be blest,
To mortals thus most clearly
  In mortals manifest--
The Father, who forgiveth
  Man's failures in the strife,
The Son, in whom he liveth,
  The Spirit, Source of Life!    Amen.

The Office of Supplication to King Charles the Martyr 

Composed and Compiled by Kyle Magri

O King Charles the Champion and Martyr of Christ, Courageous in thy faith. Preserve us from the spiteful assaults of our enemies and rescue us from every sickness, sorrow and adversity for we take refuge beneath the shelter of thy mighty intercession! Most Noble Saint Charles, entreat The Lord unceasingly, That He grant us great mercy. Amen!

Having upheld the True Faith, O righteous King Charles, thou wast found worthy to exchange thine earthly crown, for the crown of martyrdom at the hands of the godless. Inspired by thine example, we beseech thee to pray that we may have courage to fight against all evil, that we too may be counted worthy of the reward of eternal blessedness.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.

The mystery hidden from eternity and unknown even to angels hath been revealed in thee to those who live on earth, O Mother of God: the Incarnation of God in the flesh without confusion, and the suffering of the Crucifixion for our sakes, that He might raise the first-created man and save our souls.

Ode 1

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Thy memorial hath now shone forth brighter than the sun, O warrior martyr of Christ. For it has cast the beaming rays of the sunlight of thy wonders over this our land, O Charles, bearer of light.

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Charles the great king of England loved Christ the King of All, Who had laid down His life for the world, therefore he made haste to die for Him. For having divine zeal in his heart, he offered up his own self. Let us then sing his praises with faith, as our fervent advocate who emulates his Master, and doth beseech Him to grant forgiveness of our sins.

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Like Daniel in the lions den thou wast surrounded by thine accusers but thou hast prevailed against the weapons of their deceit by the arrows of thy words of truth, O noble martyr King Charles.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

Holy Maiden, thy childbirth is unsearchable as it is beautiful, dread and strange. For thou hast fed the perfect God in the flesh from thy breasts: O Report Unheard: O Mother who gavest suck without having known a man.

Ode 2

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

O glorious and blessed Saint Charles, shining with the crown of martyrdom, pray to Our Deliverer and God, to deliver from every affliction those who piously call out to thee.

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Thou, O Martyr, hast trampled underfoot the pride of the enemy. For thy mind kindled by divine zeal, hath quenched the godless insolence of tyrants. Therefore thou hast worthily received the crown, the reward of tortures, and thou, O Martyr Charles, dost grant healing.

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Confirmed in hope and love, fenced around by faith, thou, strong in the strength of Christ, O Charles, hast overthrown the error of the godless.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us! 

All-holy Virgin, thou hast borne after the flesh Him Who enlightened all the ends of the earth, Who is without flesh eternal together with the Father, being with Him before all things were. Therefore we honour thee as Mother of God.

Ode 3

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Richly adorned by Christ for thy boldness as a martyr, beseech Him earnestly for salvation for those who sing thy praises, thrice-blessed Charles, and by thy prayers do thou heal the sickness of our souls, O victorious martyr.

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Ever rejoicing with the choir of angels, and filled to the full with deathless and blessed glory, do thou pluck from every rough sea and every storm those who run to thee for refuge.

Holy Martyr Charles, pray to God for us.

Do Thou Who art merciful, deliver us from every need, laying low the manifold turmoils of sin and danger, and accepting, O Christ, the prayers of Thy servant King Charles.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

O Mother of God, Thou hast appeared far above the cherubim and seraphim, for Thou who alone art Most Pure hast received in Thy womb God Who cannot be contained. Strengthen us by Thy mighty intercession, O Most Blessed One.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.

We celebrate in happy song the bright memorial of the most glorious martyr King Charles, who in joy and light shineth forth for us, that we may be made worthy of divine grace from Christ the Saviour. 

Pray for us Most Holy Martyr King Charles,

that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 

O Conformation of the Anglican Church and noble guardian of her Episcopacy, King Charles the martyr, preserve and protect God’s Holy Church spread through the world from all her enemies and entreat the Lord our God that He may save our souls. Amen! 

Let us Pray

Blessed Lord, in whose sight the death of your saints is precious; We magnify your name for the abundant grace bestowed upon the martyred King, Charles the First; by which he was enabled so cheerfully to follow the steps of his blessed Master and Savior, in a constant meek suffering of all barbarous indignities, and at last resisting unto blood; and even then, according to the same pattern, praying for his murderers.  Let his memory, O Lord, be ever blessed among us; that we may follow the example of his courage and constancy, his meekness and patience, and great charity: and all for Jesus Christ’s sake, our only Mediator and Advocate.  Amen.

An Order For Holy Eucharist In Honor of King Charles The Martyr


Let us rejoice in the Lord, celebrating a festival day in honour of blessed Charles the Martyr: at whose passion the Angles rejoice and praise the Son of God.

(Psalm 33) Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous: for it becometh well the just to be thankful.


O Lord we offer unto thee all praise and thanks for the glory of Thy grace that shined forth in Thine anointed servant Charles; and we beseech Thee to give us all grace that by a careful studious imitation of this Thy blessed Saint and Martyr, that we may be made worthy to receive benefit by his prayers, which he, in communion with the Church Catholic, offers up unto Thee for that part of it here Militant, through thy Son, our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. (source "Private Forms of Prayer" 1660, Brian Duppa, Bishop of Salisbury and Winchester.)

O Most mighty God, terrible in thy judgements, and wonderful in thy doings toward the children of men; who in thy heavy displeasure didst suffer the life of our gracious Sovereign King Charles the First, to be (as on this day) taken away by the hands of cruel and bloody men: We thy sinful creatures here assembled before thee, do, in the behalf of all this Nation, which brought down this heavy judgement upon us. But, O gracious, when thou makest inquisition for blood, lay not the guilt of this innocent blood, (the shedding whereof nothing but the blood of thy Son can expiate,) lay it not to the charge of the people of this land; not let it ever be required of us, or our posterity. Be merciful, O Lord, be merciful unto thy people, whom thou hast redeemed; and be not angry with us for ever: But pardon us for thy mercy's sake. through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Blessed Lord, in whose sight the death of thy saints is precious; We magnify thy Name for thine abundant grace bestowed upon our martyred Sovereign; by which he was enabled so cheerfully to follow the steps of his blessed Master and Saviour, in a constant meek suffering of all barbarous indignities, and at the last resisting unto blood; and even then according to the same pattern, praying for his murderers. Let his memory, O Lord, be ever blessed among us; that we may follow the example of his courage and constancy, his meekness and patience, and great charity. And grant, that this our land may be freed from the vengeance of his righteous blood, and thy mercy glorified in the forgiveness of our sins; and all for Jesus Christ his sake, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen.

Epistle: I S. Peter, 2:13-22

Gradual (Psalm 89)

I have found David my servant: with my holy oil have I anointed him. My hand shall hold him fast; and mine arm shall strengthen him.
V. The enemy shall not be able to do him violence: the son of wickedness shall not hurt him.

Alleluia ii

V. Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive a crown of life.

Tract in Septuagesima

Thou hast given him his heart's desire: and hast not denied him the request of his lips.

V. For thou shalt prevent him with the blessings of goodness.
R. Thou shalt see a crown of pure gold upon his head.

Holy Gospel S. Matthew, 21:33-41

Offertory. Wisdom 3:2

In the sight of the unwise he seemed to die and his departure was taken for misery; but he is in peace.


Mercifully regard, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, this our atoning sacrifice, and give ear to the prayer of the blessed King Charles Thy Martyr; graciously receive it in propitiation for the sins of this Thine household.

Communion Psalm 2

The people stood up, and the rulers took counsel together; against the Lord, and against his Anointed.


May the bread of heaven imbue us, O Lord, with the spirit of fortitude; for this was the Bread which gave blessed King Charles Thy Martyr strength to fight victoriously for Thy Church.

Addition to the intercessions

O Lord, our heavenly Father, who didst not punish us as our sins have deserved, but hast in the midst of judgement remembered mercy; We acknowledge it thine especial favour, that, though, for our many and great provocations, thou didst suffer thine anointed blessed King Charles the First (as on this day) to fall into the hands of violent and blood-thirsty men, and barbarously to be murdered by them, yet thou didst not leave us for ever, as sheep without a shepherd; but by thy gracious providence didst miraculously preserve the undoubted Heir of his Crowns, our then gracious Sovereign King Charles the Second, from his bloody enemies, hiding him under the shadow of thy wings, until their tyranny was overpast; and didst bring him back, in thy good appointed time, to sit upon the throne of his Father; and together with the Royal Family didst restore to us our ancient Government in Church and state. For these thy great and unspeakable mercies we render to thee our most humble and unfeigned thanks; beseeching thee, still to continue thy gracious protection over the whole Royal Family, and to grant to our gracious Sovereign Queen Elizabeth, a long and happy Reign over us: So we that are thy people will give thee thanks for ever, and will alway be shewing forth thy praise from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

And grant, O Lord, we beseech thee, that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy governance, that thy Church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Heavenly King, of Kings the Pastor,
Giver of laws, of justice master,
Ruling all by Thy behest,
Unto Thee to-day we render,
Praise for him, to memory tender,
Charles our King, of kings the best.

Traitors shedding blood like water
Filled the land with crime and slaughter,
Law was trampled in the mud,
Noble churches left forsaken
And the White Rose, overtaken
By the sword, was red with blood.

Thus the bardic verse fulfilling
There shall be a time of killing
When the ravens shall be fed,
And a King without pollution
Midst a realm in revolution
Shall be numbered with the dead.

Violent men without compassion
Proudly spurned the ancient fashion
Of the sacred right divine;
From his friends by madmen riven
Was our King to judgement driven
Stained with blood his Royal line.

Faithful son of Mother holy,
To the Church devoted solely,
He to keep her laws was fain.
He her champion ever glorious,
Was beaten still victorious,
Robbed of life, but conqueror slain.

"He nothing common did nor mean,
Upon that memorable scene,"
When on the block he laid his head;
Nor called the gods with vulgar spite
To vindicate his helpless right,
But went to death as to his bed.

Fair exchange King Charles was making
When, the crown immortal taking
For the earthly crown he wore,
By the axe he followed faster
To realm of Christ his master,
And the cross behind him bore.

Lo, the priest who shares his glory
(Laud his name and laud his story),
For his fellow-martyr waits,
And the white-robed host upraising,
Heart and voice their Saviour
Greets him at the heavenly gates.

He by dying brought salvation
To the torn and shattered nation,
Life restored and liberty;
For the Martyr's blood was sowing
Seed from which the Church is growing
Seed of immortality.

Ere his death one word was spoken
That 'Remember' was the token
Of his coming victory.
So his blood brought life and healing,
And the Church's triumph sealing,
Never shall forgotten be.
(C.B. Moss)




Triduum In Honor of St. Monica