The Crowning of a Statue of The Blessed Virgin
The celebrant, vested in white cope {and miter}, preceded by the clergy, goes to the foot of the altar, makes the appropriate reverence, {removes the miter}, and ascends the altar where the crowns have been placed. He begins:
[Celebrant:] We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us from all dangers, O ever glorious blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.
[C:] Our help †is in the name of the Lord.
[People:] Who hath made heaven and earth.
[C:] The Lord be with you.
[P:] And with thy spirit.
Crown is blessed in honor of the Blessed Virgin:
[C:] Almighty and everlasting God, under whose most clement administration all things are created of nothing, we beg that of Thy majesty Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bless † and sanctify † this crown which has been made to adorn the Sacred Image of The Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Through Christ our Lord.
[P:] Amen.
The celebrant incenses and sprinkles the crown with holy water.
Then {with miter} he intones the Regina coeli:
[C:] Queen of heaven...
and all continue:
rejoice, alleluia.
The Son whom it was thy privilege to bear, alleluia.
Has risen as He said, alleluia.
Pray to God for us, alleluia.
A procession is formed, carrying the crown to the statue that will receive it
Then the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is crowned:
[C] As our hands crown Thee on earth; may we come through thee to Jesus Christ thy Son in glory and honor meriting a crown in heaven.
The celebrant descends to the floor {miter off}, and incenses each statue three times.
[C:] A crown of gold upon her head.
[P:] Manifesting a sign of holiness, glory, honor, and works of power.
[C:] Thou hast crowned her Lord.
[P:] And set her above the works of Thy hands.
[C:] Let us pray: Merciful Father, through the invocation of the Mother of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who for the salvation of the human race didst deign to take flesh of the same Virgin Mary without harm to her integrity: through the prayers of the same Most Holy Virgin Queen of Mercy and our most Gracious Lord: grant that those who come before these images which they desire to honor diligently; be delivered from every instant of danger; do good in the sight of Thy divine Majesty; find their faults overlooked; merit the graces they desire to obtain in the present; and rejoice in the future in perpetual salvation with Thine elect. Through Christ our Lord.
[P:] Amen.
The following hymn is chanted or recited by two choirs,
or by those seated on the Gospel (1) and Epistle (2) sides of the church.
The Ambrosian Hymn:
Te Deum laudámus
1. We praise Thee, O God; * we acclaim Thee Lord and Master.
2. Everlasting Father, * all the world bows down before Thee.
1. All the Angels sing Thy praise, * the hosts of heaven and all the angelic powers;
2. All the Cherubim and Seraphim * call out to Thee in unending chorus:
1. "Holy,"
2. "Holy,"
1. "Holy * is the Lord God of Angel hosts!"
2. The heavens and the earth are filled, Lord, * with Thy majesty and glory.
1. Thy praises are sung * by the renowned Apostles;
2. By all the prophets, * who themselves deserve our praise;
1. By that mighty white-robed army * who shed their blood for Christ.
2. And to the ends of the earth * the holy Church proclaims her faith in Thee:
1. Father, * whose majesty is boundless;
2. Thine only Son, * who is true God, and who is to be adored;
1. The Holy Ghost, * sent to be our Advocate.
2. O Christ, * the King of glory!
1. Thou alone art the Father's eternal Son.
2. When Thou wert to become man, so as to save mankind, * Thou didst not shrink back from the chaste Virgin's womb.
1. When Thou triumphantly destroyed death's sting, Thou opened up to believers the kingdom of heaven.
2. Thou art now enthroned at God's right hand, * in the Father's glory.
1. We believe * that Thou wilt come for judgement.
2. We therefore implore Thee to grant Thy servants grace and aid, * for Thou didst shed Thy Precious Blood for their redemption.
1. Admit them all to the ranks of Thy saints * in everlasting glory.
2. Be the Savior of Thy faithful people, O Lord; * grant them Thy blessing, for they belong to Thee.
1. Be their Shepherd, Lord, * uphold and exalt them forever and ever.
2. Day by day we praise Thee, * daily we acclaim Thee.
1. We will confess and glorify Thy holy Name, * now and for all eternity.
2. In Thy great mercy, Lord, throughout this day * keep us free from sin by Thy protection.
1. Have mercy on us, we humbly pray; * Lord have mercy on us.
2. May Thy mercy, Lord, Thy loving kindness, always remain with us; * for we have placed our confidence in Thee.
1. In Thee alone, Lord, I have hoped; * may I not be disappointed.
[C:] The Lord be with you.
[P:] And with Thy spirit.
[C:] Let us pray: O God, Whose mercies are beyond number and of Whose goodness there is an infinite treasure, we give thanks to Thy sovereign Majesty for the gifts Thou hast bestowed upon us, and beg for Thy continued clemency, that as Thou grantest the petitions of those who ask Thee, Thou wilt never forsake them, but will prepare them for the reward to come. Through Christ our Lord.
[P:] Amen.