A Home For The Anglo Catholic Heritage of The Episcopal Church

The term “Anglo-Catholic” was first used in the 19th century to identify a particular group of Anglicans who were interested in the teachings of something called the Oxford Movement. The leaders of this movement believed that the churches of the Anglican Communion, which includes the Episcopal Church, have a deep connection to the traditions and practices of the Church at large throughout the centuries. The Oxford Movement emphasized the importance of the regular offering of the Mass and the regular reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. The movement also emphasized a high view of all the sacraments, liturgies, and devotions of the Church. Later priests and theologians expanded this theology to include the regular use of symbols and ceremony that reflect an understanding of the majesty and transcendence of God. The movement was characterized by its support of those who are most in need. This website is dedicated to the exploration and promotion of Anglo Catholic spirituality and practice within the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican Communion.